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Communication and Relationships


Relationships exist between two emotional human beings who bring their own past experiences, history, and expectations in it. Any relationship is based on communication. If there is good communication between the two persons involved then a relationship can bloom.


A fundamental part of a healthy relationship is good communication. Relationships can get disconnected if people stop communicating well and stop relating well. You can work through any problems that you are facing as long as you're communicating. Our relationship will be more successful if we can easily connect to the other person. However, many of us experience   difficulties connecting successful with others even though communication seems to be very simple.  Sometimes what people say to us get overlooked or misunderstood, and this can cause conflicts and frustration in both personal and professional relationships.


Good communication follows some steps on how to questions to ask a girl. Stop and listen would be the first step. Sometimes we keep on saying things without thinking what the other person has to say about it because we fear of not being heard. It is very difficult at that moment to stop and listen to the other person.


Force yourself to hear is the next step. It does not mean that you are listening to the other person once you've stopped speaking. Your mind is still thinking what to do to prove your point. You need to truly listen to what the other person has to stay so you need to clear your head for a second and do it.


Be open and honest to your partner, is the next step. It is important in relationships to be open about what you feel and need. It is not a sign of good relationships to give each other the silent treatment. Being open means talking about things you have not opened up to another human being before. It means being vulnerable and honest with your partner. You open yourself up to possible hurt and disappointment. But it also means opening yourself up to the full potential of all a relationships can be.


Pay attention to Messages. How we say what we say is sometimes more important than what we say. Nonverbal communication is your body language, the tone of your voice, eye contact and how far you are from the other person.  Eye contact should be maintained, a neutral body stance kept, and check your voice tone, and sit next to the persona when you are talking to them.

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